Harvest Plus IP Soybeans
IP Soybean Growers
Are reminded to submit seed tags and field maps to complete your contracts.
please fill out the attached form and return by mail or email to jlyngrainsoffice@gmail.com
click here

Additional $0.50 per bushel bonus premium on Silverline and Prograin IP Contracts signed before Nov10 2023!!

HU Rating Premium ($/Bushel)






Well adapted to all soils and tillage practices.  Excellent disease and lodging resistance.


Certified only

2800  $4.50 Well adapted to all soil types. Does well on heavy clay and not till Tall plant with high first pod height


Certified only

 2725 $5.00

White mould tolerance; tall plant with good stand ability; Excellent yield rating



certified only





Tall bushy plant;early canopy;Excellent results on tough ground;Great root disease package;SCN resistant


certified only



SCN reistant: Excellent emergence, early season vigour, wide adaptability


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